
Coupons and in-store discounts are sometimes available on Instacart. The coupons you see on Instacart are manufacturer’s coupons. They’re automatically applied to the qualifying items in your cart.

If your shopper replaces your original item with one that doesn’t qualify, you won’t receive the discount.

Promotion codes

You can add promotion codes to your account in the app or on the website.

In the app—

  1. Tap Account at the bottom of the screen
  2. Tap Credits, promos, and gift cards
  3. Tap Redeem
  4. Enter the code and tap Redeem

On the website—

  1. At the top right, click either Account or Hi, [Your Name]
  2. Click Add Promo or Gift Card
  3. Enter the code and click Redeem

You can see your available credits and active promotions under the Credits, promos, and gift cards section of your account. The promotion amount automatically applies to your next order during checkout. Any remainder goes back to your account for future orders.

We can’t apply promotions or credits toward fees, taxes, tips, or alcohol items due to local laws and regulations. 

Promotion without a code

Some promotions don’t require a code. You can add these promotions to your account by clicking the button in the email or in-app banner you receive.

Once activated, the promotion amount automatically applies to your next order during checkout. Any remainder goes back to your account for future orders. These promotions are only available for the account associated with the recipient’s email address.